Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Zionist and Imperialist Venture
(January 19, 2025)
Scope of the Dialogue
With its roots in Colonialism, it is a story of the collusion between Zionism and imperialism - a story of destruction, dispossession, racism, apartheid, dehumanisation, ethnic cleansing and genocide, breaking international laws, and violating human rights, condemned by the world, United Nations and ICJ.
Yet it continues uninterrupted. Israel can get away with it all.
There is some routine meaningless hypocritic criticism with continuous unconditional support and an unlimited supply of the most modern and lethal weapons, primarily by the USA and many of its allies, to kill the people of Palestine (and elsewhere).
This Online Dialogue provides a historical perspective of how this conflict was created, nurtured, and sustained over decades, making it complex and unresolvable. It also addresses the present-day situation and future prospects.
Our Panellists:
Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed
A Swedish political scientist and author of Pakistani descent. He obtained his PhD in Political Science from Stockholm University, where he is currently Professor Emeritus. He has been a visiting Professor at the Government College, Lahore (2015-2019) and at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (2013-2015). Dr Ishtiaq is an Honorary Senior Fellow and a Visiting Research Professor at the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) at the National University of Singapore. He is the author of several books including "Punjab Bloodied and Cleansed”, “Pakistan - the Garrison State” and “Jinnah – His Successes, Failures and Role in History”.
Dr Maya John
She is a labour historian teaching at the University of Delhi, an elected member of the University's Academic Council and the General Secretary of the Indian Association for Women’s Studies (IAWS). Some of Dr Maya's recent research and publications relate to fields such as mass social movements, political strategies of Left movements, the evolution of India’s labour laws, the impacts of labour segmentation in the Indian workforce, education policy measures, histories of educational inequalities, and histories of epidemics and epidemiology. She has co-edited a book titled "Who Cares? Care Extraction" and the "Struggles of Indian Health Workers" and has edited "Debating Education in India: Issues and Concerns". Recently, Dr Maya has written on Israel’s genocide in Palestine and the need for subaltern internationalism. She has been associated with different social movements for the last two decades. She has been working with the Domestic Workers' Union in Delhi-NCR and with Unions of sanitation workers, nurses, and teachers.